*Registration payment includes Credit Cards and Interfund Transfers ONLY.
People who lead and support initiatives to improve the lives of people in North Carolina, including community-based organizations, hospitals/healthcare systems, local health departments, and others.
Results-Based Accountability™ (RBA) is a disciplined way of thinking and acting to improve complex social problems and create measurable change in people’s lives, communities, and organizations. RBA uses a data-driven, decision-making process to help communities and organizations get beyond talking about problems to taking action to solve them.
The recently revised NC AHEC RBA course has two parts. Both parts are being offered in Spring 2024 in an interactive, one-day live virtual session.
Part One focuses on the building blocks of RBA, essential RBA concepts, including population and performance accountability, and turn the curve decision-making.
Part Two focuses on reviewing basic RBA concepts, applying RBA in your work, and utilizing a web-based tool to share data and stories.
This course includes the books Trying Hard is Not Good Enough and Turning Curves by Mark Friedman. Participants must register at least two weeks prior to the course to ensure delivery.
Certified RBA Professionals
Curriculum Development
This RBA curriculum is developed by the NC AHECs, in collaboration with the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health. The concepts in this training will contribute to improving the health and well-being of North Carolinians.
June 6, 2024 - 8:30 am-5:00 pm
Part 1: 9:00 am-11:30 am
Part 2: 12:30 pm-5:00 pm
Registration is online only and requires a current MyAHEC account. Registration will close one week prior to the event. Due to the participatory nature of this workshop, a computer with audio and video capabilities is required.
Space is limited. Early registration is advised. Links and instructions for joining the webinar will be provided to registered participants shortly before the event.
Application for CHES® (entry-level) / MCHES® (advanced level) Category I continuing education contact hours (CECH) has been made to the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC).
Other Professionals
6.25 Contact Hours will be awarded for participants who attend 90% of the workshop.
0.6 CEUs will be awarded for participants who attend 100% of the program.
Certificates will be awarded after the participant completes the evaluation.
Handouts and Evaluations
Handouts will be available online only. One week prior to the program, registrants will receive a confirmation email with instructions to access handouts along with other program information. Evaluations will be emailed after the program. Once the evaluation has been completed, your certificate will be available.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Please contact the host AHEC within fourteen days of the workshop for assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
All Rights Reserved Statement
You may not record, reproduce, publish, distribute, modify, create derivative works, or transmit any program content and/or material presented during continuing professional development (CPD) activities. Continuing professional credit will not be given for unauthorized copied and transmitted recordings of any CPD programs and other activities. Prior registration and attendance are required to receive continuing professional credit.
Attendance at this activity grants permission for the North Carolina AHECs to use any photographs, audio, video, or other images from this activity for promotional or educational purposes. Please notify an AHEC staff member if you have concerns.
By registering for this activity, your name and email address may be shared with the above mentioned-joint provider of this continuing education activity.