South Piedmont AHEC

Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT) Training (ReCAST II)

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Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT) Training (ReCAST II) image

*Registration payment includes Credit Cards and Interfund Transfers ONLY.


ReCAST II Mecklenburg has partnered with Live N Joy Counseling Services and South Piedmont AHEC to provide the AF-CBT certification for a second cohort.

This introductory training will focus on development of skills to implement the 3rd Edition of Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT) in community care.
AF-CBT is an evidence based treatment for school-aged children and their parents who have experienced (and perpetrated) child physical abuse and/or where there is high levels of aggression/conflict in the home. This workshop will review the characteristics of abusive families as well as the outcome research related to the treatment of child physical abuse & family aggression.
Next, the three-phase conceptual model of AF-CBT will be described in detail. Illustrations of the methods that derive from the model will be provided to highlight key family processes that underlie the use of coercion and hostility (e.g., relationships, reframing, rules and roles, family routines), and family treatment methods (e.g., problem-solving).
Specific clinical activities and recommendations will be provided to enhance the use of office- and community-based intervention strategies. Training will focus on actively engaging participants in lectures, discussions, and exercises to increase their therapeutic repertoire.

Ready to Apply?
Apply Here!.
Deadline February 28, 2025
Notice of Acceptance: Week of March 2, 2025
Estimated time to complete is 8-10 minutes.

There are 3 parts to this training
I. Pre-Training (Online Module through NCTSN Learning Center)
The first part of the training consists of watching the Foundations of AF-CBT videos found on the website of the National Children’s Traumatic Stress Network and completing the pre-survey questionnaire found on the AF-CBT website. These resources allow you to learn more about AF-CBT and allow us to learn more about who will be a part of the training.

We require all trainees to complete the AF-CBT Pre-Training videos and questionnaire by 1 week prior to the first training date.

When you get to the NCTSN Learning Center video page you will be asked to create a free account.
b. You will be eligible to receive free CEUs.
c. You must email Nichole Appleby the Video Completion Certificate,
All of the videos together will take approximately 2.5 hours.

II. AF-CBT Training (2-Full Day / In-person; 1-Half Day / Virtual)
Date and Time
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 | 9:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday, April 10, 2025 | 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday, April 11, 2025 | 9:00am – 12:00pm (virtual)
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided

South Piedmont AHEC
5039 Airport Center Parkway
Charlotte, NC 28208
Classroom 17/18
*Door code will be listed on your registration confirmation letter.

Nichole Appleby, MSW, LCSW
National AF-CBT Trainer

Elizabeth Stephens, MSW, LCSW
National AF-CBT Trainer

Training Material
You will receive the AF-CBT Session Guide 3rd Edition at the training.

Credits will be available through South Piedmont AHEC.

III. Consultation Calls
Upon completion of the 2-day training, 12 monthly consultations calls will be provided to you to provide a network of AF-CBT support and individual feedback while you implement AF-CBT. To fully complete the training, we ask that each person attend at least 9 of the 12 consultation calls and submit audio recordings of 2 AF-CBT sessions to a link provided by the trainer who conducts your consultation calls.
The consultations will be scheduled by the end of the end of the initial training days.

Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma (ReCAST II) is a program within the Mecklenburg County Department of Public Health. ReCAST II is a 4 year SAMHSA funded program with a goal to create a more resilient Mecklenburg County by supporting trauma informed care in the roots of the community, increasing access to quality mental health care, and supporting the work of community violence prevention. To learn more, visit: ReCAST II Website.


  • Describe the intervention model and its content.
  • Discuss characteristics and consequences of child physical abuse & family aggression.
  • Implement specific techniques to decrease parent and child aggression (e.g., complete no-force agreement, safety planning).
  • Initiate discussions about abusive/aggressive experiences.
  • Complete social skills training and social support planning.
  • Implement engagement & retainment methods.
  • Discuss techniques to promote positive family communication and problem-solving routines.
  • Implement child behavior management training.
  • Assess readiness for and complete treatment termination.


Allison Nichole Appleby MSW LCSW, Elizabeth Stephens MSW, LCSW
Apr 9 - 11, 2025
Check-In Time
8:00 AM
1.60 - CEU
16.00 - Contact Hours
16.00 - Contact Hours (category A) CE for NC Psychologists
South Piedmont AHEC
Classroom 17/18