*Registration payment includes Credit Cards and Interfund Transfers ONLY.
Physical Therapist, Physical Therapy Assistant, Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy Assistant
For those with limb loss who would like to register for the Amputee Walking School, please click the Amputee Limb Loss Registration button below.
Amputee Limb Loss Registration
South Piedmont AHEC is pleased to partner with Hanger Clinics to provide the Amputee Walking School.
The Amputee Walking School provides training in advanced amputee exercises appropriate for both physical therapists and those with limb loss of all levels and abilities. The dynamics and control of prosthetic devices will be discussed to allow therapists to gain necessary skills to advance their amputee patients to the next level, and to instruct amputees to use their prosthesis more effectively. For over 35 years, the Amputee Walking School has reached more than 30,000 amputees and therapists across the country and around the world.
Todd Schaffhauser
Todd lost his leg above the knee to sarcoma at the age of 15. Following surgery and chemotherapy, he participated in 6-month rehabilitation research program, then began competing in track and field in 1986. In 1988, Todd became a paralympic athlete and gold medalist, breaking the world record in the 100-meter event. He has worked in the prosthetic industry for more than 35 years, and he is an Honorary Lifetime Member of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists.
Curtis Wainman, DPT
Dr. Wainman graduated from St. Ambrose University in 2015 and started his career at an outpatient rehabilitation facility where he specialized in prosthetic rehabilitation. He has extensive experience working with highly complex patients including those with limb loss together with brain injury, cerebral vascular incident, second lower limb amputation, and/or amputations of the upper extremities. He developed and presented an APTA-accredited course titled “Fundamental Movement Skills for Lower Extremity Amputees”. He has also collaborated with CPOs to develop accredited CE courses on a variety of O&P topics including Adult LE Orthotic Management, Amputee Post-Op Care, Prosthetic Gait Deviations and Prosthetic Knees. Curtis is the Founder of AmpNation Support Groups and Functional Exercise Classes for Amputees.
Date/Time/Course Location
Saturday, April 5, 2025
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Lunch will be provided.
South Piedmont AHEC
Center for Learning and Development
5039 Airport Center Parkway
Building K
Charlotte, NC 28208-5885
Classroom 17/18
Sponsorship Opportunities
THANK YOU to our Course Sponsors!
Click the following link to become an Amputee Walking School Sponsor - Sponsorship Payment and Information
Credit Information
Partial credit will not be provided.
0.5 CEUs / 5.0 Contact Hours
5.0 NCBPTE Contact Hours
South Piedmont AHEC, as part of the NC AHEC system, is an approved provider by the North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners with regard to activities directly related to physical therapy for continued competence.
Occupational Therapy
As of July 1, 2018, the NCBOT no longer accepts applications for pre-approval of CCAs. OT practitioners need to make sure they are completing activities that comply with Section .0800 of the NCBOT Rules. 6.0 CCAs. Please select contact hours for your certificate.
Registering for and attending a South Piedmont AHEC program authorizes South Piedmont AHEC to take audio, video, and/or still images to be used for promotional and educational purposes, and to share your information with Hanger Clinics. Hanger Clinics will keep this information confidential. If you have concerns, please speak with a South Piedmont AHEC team member.