South Piedmont AHEC

3rd Annual SpineFirst Symposium: Vendor Registration

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*Registration payment includes Credit Cards and Interfund Transfers ONLY.


Unlock the potential of spine care with our comprehensive SpineFirst approach, designed to enhance patient interventions. Whether surgical or non-operative, our tailored solutions increase the appropriateness of treatments, ensuring every decision is guided by clinical best practices and patient-centric care.

We elevate clinical team awareness by focusing on precise clinical indications and their direct impact on spine care outcomes. By integrating the latest evidence-based practices, we empower clinicians to make informed decisions that drive superior patient results.

Discover a breadth of non-operative spine care interventions highlighted by our multidisciplinary team, from innovative therapies to personalized rehabilitation strategies. This event will equip your team with the knowledge and tools to expand treatment options and deliver comprehensive spine patient care.

Join us in advancing spine care excellence. Together, we can redefine standards, optimize interventions, and improve lives.

We feel this is an excellent opportunity for your company to support this event. If you choose to participate, the exhibit fees are as follows:

Exhibitor Fees
$5,000 - Platinum
$1,500 - Silver

For a FULL AGENDA and lecture details click Here

Registering for and attending a South Piedmont AHEC program authorizes South Piedmont AHEC to take audio, video, and/or still images to be used for promotional and educational purposes. If you have concerns, please speak with a South Piedmont AHEC team member.

If you need any auxiliary aids or services identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act in order to attend this conference, please contact Tamara Smith-Tillman by email


  • Discuss appropriate spine patient interventions considering patient health, history, and clinical indications.
  • Integrate an interprofessional approach in the selection of surgical interventions for complex surgery cases.
  • Apply effective, non-operative evidence-based interventions to improve patient outcomes.


Select your level of support

Sep 1 - 30, 2024
Check-In Time
7:45 AM
Sep 1 - 30, 2024
Check-In Time
7:45 AM


Sep 1 - 30, 2024
The Revelry Camp North End
Tamara Smith-Tillman BS


Check to follow. Your registration will not be confirmed until payment is received. Please select support level in the Elective.
Exhibitor Registration (Platinum Level)
Exhibitor Registration (Silver Level)