South Piedmont AHEC

Progressive Disorders: Management of Wheelchair Utilization and Functional Needs

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*Registration payment includes Credit Cards and Interfund Transfers ONLY.

Target Audience

Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Nurses


This course has been rescheduled due to low registrations. A new date will be announced soon. Please contact if you have any questions.

Clinicians will gain a more comprehensive understanding of working with and managing clients with complex progressive disorders in relation to disease progression, meeting patient needs over time, power wheelchair and other equipment coverage and management, and specific adaptations. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on labs, participants will explore disease progression, adaptive strategies, and power wheelchair management. The curriculum integrates up-to-date evidence, research findings, and practical insights, along with opportunities to trial products such as wheelchairs, cushions, backrests, and alternative drive controls. Active learning strategies, including case studies, will enhance practical knowledge and prepare learners to address the unique challenges posed by these clients.

Remaining Seats Available: 24

*Courses may be rescheduled/cancelled due to low registration.*

Course Location/Date/Time
South Piedmont AHEC
5039 Airport Center Parkway, Building K
Charlotte, NC 28208
Classroom 17/18

Saturday, February 22, 2025 | 8:00am EST- 3:45pm EST

Course Agenda:
(Subject to change)
- Specific Progressive Diseases: In-depth exploration of ALS, MS, PD, MD, SMA, and other relevant conditions
- Power wheelchair coverage and management: Foundation knowledge for effective clinical practice and specific adaptations for clients with progressive conditions. Product trials for wheelchairs, cushions, backrests, and alternative drive controls
- Common and Unusual Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
- Documentation and LMN Requirements: Essential documentation practices and writing Letters of Medical Necessity (LMN)
- Cushions, Backrests, and Accessories: Selection and customization with practical trials and demonstrations
- Pressure Relief and Barriers: Solutions for pressure management and pressure mapping technology
- Alternative Drive Controls demonstration

An enthusiastic educator, Amber teaches at an OTA and Master’s OT programs as well as presenting live and in person regionally, nationally, and internationally. She works full time in a clinical expert role in an outpatient clinic for clients with progressive diseases as well as a wheelchair seating clinic and has been an OT for over 30 years. She has the RESNA Assistive Technology Practitioner and Seating Mobility Specialist certification, the AOTA Board Certification in Physical Rehabilitation, and is a Fellow of the AOTA.
Expert Faculty from the Carolinas Rehabilitation Learning Academy
Carolinas Rehab Specialty Badge

Continuing Education Credits:
Partial credit will not be awarded.
0.7 CEUs
CEUs are expressed in tenths and 0.1 CEU is based off 60 minutes of instruction.
7.0 Contact Hours
The South Piedmont Area Health Education Center designates this continuing education program as fulfilling the requirements for 7 Contact Hours of continuing education.
7.0 NCBPTE Contact Hours
South Piedmont, NC AHEC system, is an approved provider by the North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners with regard to activities directly related to physical therapy for continued competence.
Occupational Therapy
As of July 1, 2018, the NCBOT no longer accepts applications for pre-approval of CCAs. OT practitioners need to make sure they are completing activities that comply with Section .0800 of the NCBOT Rules

Registering for and attending a South Piedmont AHEC program authorizes South Piedmont AHEC to take audio, video, and/or still images to be used for promotional and educational purposes. If you have concerns, please speak with a South Piedmont AHEC team member.


  • Successfully recall 3 symptoms from each category of progressive disease discussed.
  • Correctly identify 3 pieces of adaptive equipment used specifically with clients with progressive disorders.
  • Describe the power wheelchair and accessories required at various stages (early, middle, late) of disease progression and needs.
  • Correctly identify 3 characteristics of cushions made with foam, gel, air, or hybrid materials.
  • Competently describe 3 barriers and 3 solutions to pressure relief for clients with progressive diseases.
  • Trial 2 alternative drive controls and note which type of disease each would be appropriate for.


Feb 22, 2025
8:00 AM - 3:45 PM Eastern Time
Check-In Time
7:30 AM
0.70 - CEU
7.00 - Contact Hours
7.00 - NCBPTE Contact Hours
South Piedmont AHEC
Classroom 17/18


Feb 22, 2025
8:00 AM - 3:45 PM Eastern Time
South Piedmont AHEC
Classroom 17/18
Stephanie Levi DPT


Registration Fee starting 12:00am 2/1/2025


Contact Hours
NCBPTE Contact Hours